Roger Thompson teaching Tai Chi

Fitness Programs for Seniors

The Oak Park Arms supports and promotes active and healthy senior living. Residents enjoy a convenient on-site fitness center, daily fitness and exercise classes and an ongoing educational series on health topics effecting seniors. Full calendar of events for seniors

Health and Fitness Center

  • Treadmills
  • Recumbent and upright bikes
  • Elliptical machine
  • More than a dozen resistance machines for strength training
  • Pulley strengthening system

Fitness and Exercise Classes for Seniors

Sit and Be Fit exercise class for seniors
Sit & Be Fit Exercise Class

Sit and Be Fit – 9:30 a.m.
Using a chair for support, participants do gentle exercises.

Yoga with a Chair – 9:30 a.m.
The class focuses on gentle stretches sitting or standing and using a chair for support. Yoga postures and breathing techniques are combined which maximizes relaxation and stillness.

Strength and Balance – 1 p.m.
Techniques are taught which improve strength and balance and help prevents falls.

Sit and Be Fit – 9:30 a.m.
Using a chair for support, participants do gentle exercises.

Yoga with a Chair – 9:30 a.m.
The class focuses on gentle stretches sitting or standing and using a chair for support. Yoga postures and breathing techniques are combined which maximizes relaxation and stillness.

Strength and Balance – 2 p.m. (twice monthly)
Techniques are taught which improve strength and balance and help prevents falls.

Sit and Be Fit – 9:30 a.m.
Using a chair for support, participants do gentle exercises.